Blockchain in Limassol Municipality

Blockchain in Limassol Municipality

Limassol Municipality applies innovative digital solutions based on Blockchain technology. In response to the demands of the new technological era, the  Municipality in co-operation with Yellow Applications, an authorised representative of, has established a series of pioneering applications for the electronic publishing of documents and the verification of authenticity.

This pioneering application allows the automation of procedures and hence the improvement of the quality of service to the citizen in a digital environment. This constitutes the first step too to a complete plan for the introduction of applications for the digital evolution of Limassol to a Smart City”. 

The first phase of application of Blockchain technology in Limassol Municipality  covers the automated issue of marriage certificates, where all intending spouses, in addition to receiving a printed certificate, they  will also receive an electronic copy in pdf format. In the near future, more certificates and licences of the Municipality will be issued digitally in the same way.